Brown & Sharpe Outside Micrometer, 4-5" Range, 0.0001" Graduation - 599-5-33


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Brown & Sharpe

Brown & Sharpe 599-5-33 Enamel Frame Outside Micrometer, 4-5" Range, 0.0001" Graduation, +/-0.006mm Accuracy, Slant/Line Graduations 

Providing Measuring Consistency For 150 Years The original and still the best! Silky-smooth, precise operation and functional design combine to continue the tradition of the Brown & Sharpe micrometer as the basic tool of choice for quality-minded individuals. Carbide measuring faces, convertible “friction” to “feel” thimble sleeves, easy-reading satin chrome finish and spindle locks are standard on all the micrometers listed below.

Convertibility allows B&S mics. to be used either as solid thimble tools or w/automatic friction action, which stops the spindle advance when a predetermined amount of pressure is exerted against the part by spindle contact.

Graduations are crisp, easy reading with satin-chrome background. All thimble parts are completely interchangeable to simplify maintenance. Accuracy meets Federal and DIN Specifications.

Outside Micrometer, 4-5" Range, 0.0001" Graduation