The lenscope magnifier is a new hand held precision examination & measuring tool from Bausch & Lomb. Four interchangeable photo-metallic glass measuring scales are available to measure fractional inches, centimeters, angles and radii.
Your choice of two interchangeable hastings triplet lenses, Bausch & Lomb's finest 7X or 10X.
An ergonomic plastic body that fits easily in a pocket.
A clear, distortion free image.
Two angled illumination lamps 45 or 90 from the viewing angle (two AA batteries not included).
Hinged top storage case.
Round Magnifiers
Bausch & Lomb has improved the traditional round large area magnifiers by use of a scientifically designed aspheric lens. Asperic lenses assure edge to edge clarity. In addition a special higher power inset lens provides extra magnification. The durable single piece design features a stabilizing edge for two hand positioning. the Ergo Touch grip is molded to fit your hand for hours of comfortable use.