Industrial Press Sustaining Continuous InnovationThrough Problem Solving - 3275-2


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Industrial Press Sustaining Continuous Innovation Through Problem Solving By Stephen Armstrong

408 pages, Illustrated

Published: November, 2007

ISBN 9780831132750


This book demonstrates how Problem Solving and Process Management is at the heart of continuous business transformation. Logically organized in four parts, it introduces the reader to the domains of change and the process management body of knowledge (BOK) and gives detailed instruction on how to creatively re-engineer processes, sustain innovation and continually improve an enterprise through proven repetitive methods. And unlike any book on the subject it offers a practical step-by-step approach that includes the steps, the templates, and the metrics to keep it on track. Features
  • Features a tried and tested, practical 17-step “how to” Problem Solving and Process Management methodology that can be used in any business environment.
  • Includes numerous figures and examples of charts and documents used at each step of the process.
  • References standardforms, tools, and training materials in the Appendix.
  • Addresses how to engage the people who are using, creating, and improving the management process.
  • Explains the steps in creating a process management methodology and presents the process management body of knowledge without the “fad” or spin.
  • Highlights the importance of good process management to corporate business transformation
Table of Contents

Part I: Transforming the Business - Achieving a Culture of Innovation

  • An Introduction to Business Transformation-The Methodology & Philosophy
  • The Phases of Business Transformation Explained - Laying the Foundation for Continuous Innovation
  • The Organizational Approach to Business Transformation

Part II: Analyzing the Status Quo - By Constantly Questioning

  • How to Analyze the "As Is" Business Processes
  • Research Customer Needs and Expectations
  • Select the Issue
  • Define/Design the Process
  • Establish Standards and Design Performance Measures
  • Implement the Processes, Standards, Measures, and Quality Systems
  • Confirm the Process/Issue Focus
  • Set the Improvement Objectives and Schedule

Part III: Continuous Innovation - By Problem Solving

  • Creative Process Improvement
  • Cause and Effect Analysis
  • Gathering and Analyzing Root Cause Data
  • Selecting the Root Cause to be Addressed
  • Formulate Alternative Solutions
  • Evaluate and Select the Best Solution
  • Document Solutions
  • Investigate and Validate the Solution
  • Closing the Loop through Continuous Improvement

Part IV: Engaging the People - Sustaining Innovation

  • Managing Process Improvement Teams - Making it Work
  • Sustaining Innovation with a Higher Purpose

Appendices - Management Tools

Sustaining Continuous InnovationThrough Problem Solving