SPI Correx Tension/Compression Gages - 31-024-3


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Feeler Length:
Graduation Grams:
Range in Grams:
50 -500
9 oz.
  • The ideal instrument to measure, calibrate and standardize the pressure or power to actuate fine mechanisms and spring tensions of: Micro Switches And Relays Electric Contacts Business Machines Communication Instruments Precision Instruments & Gages Controls With Adjustable Friction Torque Automotive Parts Etc.
  • Maximum reading pointer eliminates reading errors, stops at highest force measured except .3 — 3 and .6 — 6 gages.
  • Measurements can be made in both directions, clockwise or counterclockwise.
  • Unbreakable glass protects the dial.
  • Swiss made, furnished in protective case.
  • Available with flat or round feeler tips.
With round feeler tip
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Item NumberDescriptionFeeler LengthGraduation GramsRange in GramsWeightPriceQuantity
31-024-3With round feeler tip1-3/4"1050 -5009 oz.$849.95
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